Helpful topics and some frequently asked questions.
What is an advance medical directive?
An advanced medical directive is a generic term for three documents that are provided by Florida law. The first is a living will or dying declaration, that's where someone states that in the event they're in an end-stage condition where death is imminent. They do want to be received treatment for their comfort but they do not want their life prolonged by heroic means. Another advance care directive is referred to as a designation of healthcare surrogate. That's where an adult appoints another person to make healthcare decisions for them. This form was recently revised by the Florida statutes effective October first 2015. So, if you have a designation of healthcare surrogate before October first of 2015, you should have it reviewed by an elder law or state planning attorney. The final document authorized by Florida law as an advanced healthcare directive is a health care designate of a minor, parents may execute a document authorizing persons such as their parents or grandparents to make health care decisions of the minor children.
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